Đồng Xoài City, Bình Phước Province, Vietnam

Monday, September 3, 2018

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A woman on crutches

Đồng Xoài City, Bình Phước Province, Vietnam

Hội VNAH tiếp tục các các hoạt động hỗ trợ người khuyết tật tại tỉnh Tây ninh và Bình Phước:

A documentary video of VNAH's project in Binh Phuoc Province. The 5-year Disability Rights Enforcement, Coordination and Therapies Project (DRIECT) funded by USAID is expected to achieve these major results:

- Increased resources for disability services and programs as a result of stronger enforcement of national disability policies and programs.

- More people with disabilities nationwide having access to rehabilitation supports and services covered by health insurance as a result of the revised policy on health insurance coverage.

- Accessible rehabilitation services and service delivery capacity, especially the occupational therapy, are in place and sustainable in the two provinces.

- 4,000 persons with disabilities, particularly those with severe disabilities and developmental disabilities, received direct assistance/rehabilitation services, many of them demonstrated improvements in activities of daily living and societal integration.

- 5,400 service providers and caregivers trained and many will have demonstrated improvements capacity to support persons with disabilities.

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